Educational Technology

- extended - Asynchronous online training on the topic "Use of digital media in blended learning events"



As part of a third-party funded project, we are developing a digital, asynchronous continuing education course for university lecturers, tutors and SHKs supporting teaching on the use of digital media in blended learning events.

You now have the opportunity to use excerpts from it to expand your knowledge in this area and receive practical tips for implementing what you have learned in your own teaching. In this way, we would like to support you in using digital media in a particularly profitable way for students. It is possible to work on up to four learning modules, each of which takes about 1-2 hours of time.

The course is also available to external interested parties (via Shibboleth) and can be used in the context of scientific surveys until February 29, 2024. All participants will receive a certificate of participation in the course after the survey, if required. For participants of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal it is possible to have the individual modules credited for the SaPe certificates ZHD and ZDI after participation in a supplementary synchronous workshop.

If you are interested in participating in continuing education and an accompanying scientific survey, contact Lea Gehlhaar (lea.gehlhaar-hk[at] She will add you to the appropriate Moodle course. If you have any questions about the study or the course content, please contact Alina Zumbruch (zumbruch[at] If you have not been registered in the Moodle of the Bergische Universität Wuppertal so far, please register there once before (

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